Saturday, March 10, 2007

Infrant ReadyNas: Simply works (for now)

Today's toy was an Infrant ReadyNAS NV+ from Infrant - bought from a local Norwegian distributor called "" (lots of room..... cute name!).
Together with 3x400 Gbyte disks, it's now, a few hours later, providing my local network with 700+ Gbytes of (theoretically) disk-crash-proof storage space.

The nicest thing about it is that it "just works" - I plugged in the disks, flipped a few parameters, and got it running with no hitches. And both my Windows boxes and my Linux (NFS) boxes saw it with no problem - the software included the option of setting the UID for the users I installed on the box.

So what's not to like?

Well, security for NFS is a laugh. But then, unKerberized NFS has always had laughable security.
And there's limited possibilities for limiting access to NFS on a per-host basis; basically, "list them all" is the only option available. No ranges.

And when you install users, it sends notifications to those users in CLEARTEXT email - WITH the initial password. Shudder; should have been a warning on the "add user" screen about this.

But once those things are considered, I really like the box. It Just Works.

I know there's a Linux box inside it. But I'm not too anxious to get it out.

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